Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Agile Learning


Happy to receive my Professional Scrum Master certificate from Starting in 04/2011 to focus on Scrum methodology I now passed my first milestone in agile learning in 10/2012.

Von meinem iPad gesendet

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Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2012

Montag, 1. Oktober 2012

Tracking my water consumption


I used Tally Zoo to track my water consumption for the last weeks. It correlates with high outdoor temperature and physical activities. And it motivates to drink a little more than without a tracking tool. But after five weeks of tracking each glas of water, it is realy boring. I will stop it for a while trying to have fun with some other apps for self tracking.

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Posted via email from groepl's posterous

Starting my Day with The Eatery


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Posted via email from groepl's posterous

My first Week with The Eatery